Accepting the divisive decisions being made on our behalf is just the beginning. We will have to uphold our true values as they are tested. I’m glad my generation has the will to lead. We wouldn’t be in the streets protesting and causing riots if we were corrallable sheep.
Choosing for the Meek
Deciding for the weak
Coercing when opposed
Proposals from the foes
Come through our old
I took a step back from the political sensitivity flooding our senses. I noticed something unsettling. People refusing to listen and making judgments where it does not even matter. Since my generation has no clue, even though we are all affected by the bad weather. I see the last of a great prejudice – one that is bequeathing on its last breath.
Actions in the judicial branch have cemented a conservative bias for the next 20 to 30 years. There is no denying this current. All we can do is use it for our own gains. Current trends show this mentality going nowhere anytime soon.
The level of conviction one will see in filing the Notorious RBG’s vacancy is a testament to this trend. We are ‘incapable’ of making decision that have longevity. Or so they think.
Any chance we, the generation coming to power, sees beneficial for elevating our status or wealth gets categorically denied. Regardless of the hogwash reasons, justified by consultants and their pretty statistics, the self-preserving mentality of elders in decision-making capacities find ways to remain in power.
Agency is a funny thing.
When our elders become weak, we are going to be making decisions on their behalf. Everything from throw em in a nursing home to allow them into your home. These decisions will be evaluated by our community and peers. Shall we treat the categorical old with the same contempt and high moral ground as they have shown us.
As of now, 50% of us live with our parents [1].
We are fooled into thinking this is a choice where we are saving money and resources. The fact of the matter is there are not enough opportunities out there for us to thrive as they did. Our parents’ ability to earn and use education to get ahead was the equivalent of an adult playing football with toddlers. Figuratively stepping over generational bonds and circumventing debt through ample opportunity. I wished our figurative condition was equivalent to playing against high schoolers. However, we are competing on a global scale and have to find the resources ourselves.
It is our fault that we are unable to create opportunities, therefore, the elders must continue making decisions on our behalf.
I find it unsettling the current forces in power use “conservative” as an excuse for their choices.
These same people have decided your value in terms of insurability of body parts. The conservative estimate or your fingers is $10,000 to $20,000, increasing only if you are professionally dependent on your hands.
Financial institutions used to double your money in 7 to 10 years when put into a savings account [2]. This was happening when we were children. But we are incapable of making decisions that have positive longevity…
I put these facts out because these were decisions made on our behalf and we will have to live with them. These decisions are justified for a said “conservative” means but the ends do not value conservative ends – ends such as benefiting a family unit, allowing the young opportunities to prosper, or uphold community values. You can argue differently, but the fact remains older generations don’t trust younger generations to make the hard choice.
We are too soft. We care too much. We don’t grasp reality. We can’t make the hard choice.
So now we watch people through social media and see nothing wrong with their lives while critiquing ourselves. Shifting this reality into something positive and beneficial will take time. The systems in power can be collapsed in multiple ways. Allies exist all across the country. There is no aisle or ideological divide. American conservative and liberal is a singular point on the world stage. Our strength lies in agreeing.
Accepting the divisive decisions being made on our behalf is just the beginning. We will have to uphold our true values as they are tested. I’m glad my generation has the will to lead. We wouldn’t be in the streets protesting and causing riots if we were corrallable sheep.
Our failure stems from not being united. This fact has continues to allow an older generation in an advantageous position. The hardship from elders making decisions on our behalf will continue. We can only change the world we leave to the younger generation.

[3] Art –